dijous, 20 de febrer del 2014


Primary school listening and drawing 'Cinderela'

Our junior high school students were reading aloud 'Cinderela' fairy tale while primary school pupils were listening to them and drawing beautiful pictures about Cinderela. It was awesome :) We are going to publish the pictures in the next part of our blog.Now we are preparing the rehearsals of  'Cinderela' drama and the reviews of the fairy tale and the authors.to be continued....
The Rewal`s fairy tale

dimarts, 18 de febrer del 2014

Here is our winter presentation introducing our school and region. We hope you will enjoy watching it. Get a taste of Rewal before your arrival. GREETINGS TO ALL OF YOU. Edyta and Joanna. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbunefT4Hik

diumenge, 16 de febrer del 2014

Polish impressions

Hi everybody !

We are happy to start our blog here, although there were some problems. Anyway we accepted the invitation and now we can fully participate in our project :)

dimecres, 5 de febrer del 2014

Hola a todos, por Italia estamos preparando a los alumnos (por cierto me está costando encontrarlos) y el material electrónico para Polonia. Estamos con el folleto sobre las ediciones y pronto iremos a una escuela primaria.
Un abrazo a todos